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3 Major Facts You Should Know About Medical Marijuana

With medical marijuana being a newly accepted treatment plan for chronic pain, it can be frustrating finding accurate and trustworthy information. These three points will help you understand how marijuana actually affects your body and how you can utilize its benefits in Florida.

1. There are several types of marijuana

Of the 85 know cannabinoids, the two most known types of cannabinoids contained in most strains are THC, short for delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, and CBD, short for cannabidiol. A cannabinoid is a compound that directly works with our Endocannabinoid System, known as ECS. Our body’s ECS is a network of receptors that network with cannabinoids to maintain the vital functions of our body. THC causes signals that are sent to the brain, which results in the psychoactive effects of “getting high” while CBD, on the other hand, offers many therapeutic benefits without the psychoactive effects. Neither cannabinoid is better than the other; their benefits depend on your personal situation and preference. The majority of proponents use a strain that contains a mixture of both THC and CBD. Studies reveal that higher doses of THC can be effective for treating chronic pain.

2. Medical marijuana comes in various forms

JAX Spine & Pain Centers suggest you consult your physician and schedule an appointment to recommend the best ratio of THC to CBD, a suggested dosage, and form of application. Medical marijuana can be taken in several ways, such as vaporizing, smoking, sublingually, ingested and topically. Your physician can assist you in deciding which method is most effective for you. Additionally, you can ask employees of your recommended dispensary about further information.

3. Yes, it’s legal in Florida

The Florida Medical Marijuana Law states that “patients who possess a physician’s recommendation may legally obtain medical cannabis provided by state licensed dispensaries.” A 2017 law prohibiting the inhalation of herbal forms of medical marijuana was amended in 2018 by Senate Bill 182. The measure allows qualified patients to possess up to four ounces of herbal cannabis if a recommending physician saying, “that the benefits of smoking marijuana for medical use outweigh the risks for the qualified patient.”

Like all other treatments, it is important to discuss the claims of effectiveness and side effects of medical marijuana. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment today to find out if this treatment option is right for you.


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